Monday, February 25, 2008

Youth education programs in Philadelphia

Church Service in Philadelphia

Bob and Pat took to church on Sunday morning. The worship service at the Greater Philadelphia Church of Christ was really awesome, and the music ministry was inspiring and elevating par excellence! Makes you want to come to church everyday of the week.

Picture of the Day - Monday 25/02

Picture of the Day - Saturday 23/02

Saturday Academy at Violetville School - Baltimore, MD

Picture of the Day - Friday 22/02

Magic Johnson Center - Eastover, SC

James Clyburn Community Empowerment Center - Orangeburg SC

Picture of the Day - Thursday 21/02

Afterschool Club at Hersey Elementary School, Charleston, SC

State House - Columbia, South Carolina

Picture of the Day - Wednesday 20/02

Volunteers at work

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Picture of the Day - Tuesday 19/02

Musicians Village

One of the key things for New Orleans was to keep the city vibrant. The Musicians Village is an initiative set up by musicians to support local musicians and artists, provide them with housing and a community to live and work in. HOPE worldwide supports the volunteers who help build these homes.


HOPE worldwide came to the Gulf just a month after the storm and as with so many other organisations were faced with the enormity of the task. As money money started to flow in, available work force was the main issue.

HOPE has helped clear out, gut to the basic structure some 3000 homes and plots and works with Habitat for Humanity and Americorps to bring in a constant flow of volunteers to help build and renovate houses for the local residents.

This week the camp houses and feeds almost 300 volunteers!

Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina

Two years after the hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on August 29th, 2005 the scars and devastation are still there for everyone to see. What strikes one first is just the sheer scale of damage. Street after street and neighborhood after neighborhood are still half empty. Stricken homes, some gutted some still intact from the flooding alternate with totally empty lots and some renovated or rebuilt homes.

Many who were forced to leave have not returned. They may never return as the rebuilding of the local economy and infrastructure might take a generation to complete.

Read more about Katrina here on Wikipedia.