This is where the tsunami took it's toll two years ago, on the Boxing Day 2004 (26.12.). What do I expect to see today? Ruined homes like in Bhuj, or ultimate powerty and apathy as in the slums of Delhi - perhaps. Still I've already learned to cap my expectations and keep an open mind. HOPE workers and volunteers seem to make miracles happen everywhere they go.
And I am certainly not disappointed today either, nor discouraged. Much the opposite. The Tsunami is long gone, and the first villages at Puduputtinam have seen total rebuilt of 500 homes and 150 new boats donated to the fishermen to get their livelyhoods back on track. Several charities are doing a remarkable job here - World Vison building homes, Rotaries building another village and local Indian donors working together with international organisations. After the initial disaster relief (they were here 4 hours after the waves hit) HOPE is concentrating in providing essential community services. They started a school for the children, run a primary medical clinic, arrange vocational training and continue with the counseling - a job that long from being completed after such massive personal loss and common trauma to the whole village.